Anouncing the




© Martin Corlazzoli

October 14th ​to 17th, 2025

We are thrilled to announce that the ​international Big Stuff Conference will ​take place in Belgium from October ​14th to 17th, 2025. Hosted by the ​vibrant Big Stuff Heritage community, ​this event is a gathering of museum ​professionals, academics, ​consultants, volunteers, and private ​owners dedicated to preserving and ​showcasing technological and ​industrial heritage.

© Martin Corlazzoli

© Martin Corlazzoli

Skills and ​Machines –

A Living ​Partnership

In 2025 we focus on the symbiotic relationship between skills ​and machinery. Industrial heritage encompasses not just large-​scale installations and historic machinery, but also the people, ​skills, and knowledge required to operate, maintain and ​showcase this mechanical legacy. As the generations of workers ​and volunteers who have learned to control, calibrate and repair ​these machines retire, their invaluable expertise is at risk of ​being lost.

The conference wants to explore effective methods for passing ​critical and endangered knowledge to new staff and volunteers, ​ensuring the continuity of this heritage. We would also like to ​broaden the scope, looking at ways to make old technologies ​resonate with new generations. How do we teach handskills to a ​generation brought up on automation? How do we connect older ​Big Stuff to important new themes such as lower carbon ​emissions, lower pollution, circular re-use and right to repair?

Participate and ​connect

Join us in Belgium and take the opportunity to present your own practices, experiences, and ​challenges. You can present a paper in a 20-minute talk, followed by a discussion. Alternatively, ​you can participate in a poster session, which is a fantastic opportunity to share your work in a ​more informal setting with the Big Stuff community. Enjoy the excursions to inspiring industrial ​heritage sites across Belgium, with ample time for networking and discussions.

A face-to-face and online Asia-Pacific hub will also be hosted in Perth on the same dates, ​making it easier for southern hemisphere heritage machinery fans to meet each other, get ​involved and reduce travel costs and carbon impact.

The call for abstracts is now open for presentations or posters in either Belgium, Australia or ​online. Full program will be sent out in late 2024 after closing the call for abstracts.

Safeguarding ​critical and ​endangered ​Knowledge

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“We are proud to announce that the Big Stuff conference will ​come to the Museum of Industry in 2025! Located in a historic ​cotton factory in the vibrant city of Ghent, our museum is ​steeped in industrial history. It's the perfect venue for delving ​into the intricate relationship between people, skills, and ​machinery. Join us and discover Belgium’s rich industrial ​heritage from our unique basecamp.“

- Ann van Nieuwenhuyse - director Museum of Industry

© Industriemuseum


The conference will take place from ​October 14th to 17th, 2025.

Mark your calendars and prepare ​to connect, learn, and be inspired!

Registration will be available from ​late 2024.

Conference fee

Conference dinner


€ 350

€ 40

Early bird

€ 300

€ 40


€ 200

€ 40


€ 150

€ 40



*reduction fee only for oral presentation (not for poster ​presentation)

CAll FOR ​Abstracts

In for a talk or a poster presentation? Send your ​abstract to:

  • Language: English
  • Length: not exceeding 2000 characters
  • Deadline:1st of November 2024

Please indicate the format you prefer oral, or poster ​presentation & indicate the location (Belgium/Australia) ​where you would like to present online or in person.

A notification will be sent out on the 15th of November ​2024 to the acceptees of the contributed talks and ​posters.

© Martin Corlazzoli


White Arrow Right Element

Museum of Industry

Minnemeers 10

9000 Ghent

Tel. +32 9 323 65 13


© Martin Corlazzoli

Supporting ​partners